Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in St. Petersburg, FL

Relieve Menopausal Symptoms
Relieve menopausal symptoms
Reverse Aging
Reverse aging
Manage Pain
Manage pain
Lose Weight
Lose & manage weight
Increase Energy
Increase energy
Improve Libido
Improve libido
Relieve Menopausal Symptoms
Relieve menopausal symptoms
Reverse Aging
Reverse aging
Manage Pain
Manage pain
Lose Weight
Lose & manage weight
Increase Energy
Increase energy
Improve Libido
Improve libido
Relieve Menopausal Symptoms
Relieve menopausal symptoms
Reverse Aging
Reverse aging
Manage Pain
Manage pain
Lose Weight
Lose & manage weight
Increase Energy
Increase energy
Improve Libido
Improve libido

Could a Hormone Imbalance be Holding You Back?

Even the most nutritious diets and active lifestyles can’t reverse some of the many negative side effects of unbalanced hormones. Some of the biggest signs you may have a hormone imbalance include:

  • RBrain fog
  • RAnxiety
  • RDepression
  • RConstant fatigue
  • RUnexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • RTemperature regulation issues (hot flashes, chills, etc.)
  • RFrequent digestive issues (bloating/constipation/diarrhea)

If you think you might have a hormone imbalance, we’re here to help!

Pellecome Pellet Therapy in South Pasadena

At Regenesis Life, we use advanced bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) that puts your health and wellness first.

With all-natural plant hormones, Pellecome pellet therapy is the safe, effective and convenient way to restore your internal balance, relieve hormone-related side effects and achieve optimal health.


Made using plant hormones with the same chemical makeup as those produced by your body.


Experience fewer side effects, lasting results and optimal internal health with all-natural plant hormone pellets.


Get your pellet implant in just minutes and go about your life as usual, no maintenance necessary, until your replacement (every 3-4 months).

Dr. Matthew Ragsdell, Do

Your BHRT Physician

Dr. Matthew Ragsdell is a double board-certified physician with twenty years of experience in holistic, regenerative and orthopedic medicine. With a holistic, health-centered approach, he has used BHRT to successfully relieve thousands of patients of their ongoing menopausal symptoms, chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog and other hormone-related conditions.

Frequently Asked Hormone Replacement Therapy Questions


Is BHRT safe?

As with any medical procedure, BHRT can have serious side effects – including increased risk of stroke, heart disease and breast cancer – that should be considered before beginning treatment.

Dr. Ragsdell will gather information on your personal and family health history, current bone health, existing conditions and other risk factors to determine if BHRT is a safe option for you.

What are the side effects of hormone replacement therapy?

Patients receiving BHRT may experience bloating, fatigue and mood swings from BHRT, especially in the first few weeks and months of their treatment. However, most Regenesis Life patients see their BHRT symptoms improve as their bodies become accustomed to the hormones.

How long do the pellet implant procedures take?

Getting your hormone pellet implant is a quick procedure that typically takes just 10 minutes to complete. We start by sanitizing and numbing the implant site (usually the hips or buttocks), make a small incision and implant your Pellecome pellets. Then we simply cover the area with a steri-strip (no stitches required) and you can carry on with your day as usual.

Do the pellet implants hurt?

You should experience little to no pain during your pellet implantation procedure. We use a local anesthetic to numb the area, which is completed in around ten minutes and requires no stitches. You may also experience some redness, swelling and tenderness for the first few days after your procedure.

Transform Your Health

Ready to begin your health journey with Regenesis Life?
The process is simple.

Located in St. Petersburg, FL

1615 Pasadena Ave S. Suite 290
South Pasadena, FL 33707
Phone 727-966-2076
1615 Pasadena Ave S. Suite 290
South Pasadena, FL 33707
Phone 727-966-2076
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